One week ago I wrote a blog post that you’ll never get to read because it is eternally frozen on my phone’s Blogger app. I can’t even click on it to read what I wrote so that I can retype it on my PC. It was brilliant, of course, something about having finished my newspaper articles (that I write every three weeks for a local paper) and being free to work on my edit for Innocence. But only my obstinate Blogger app will ever know now what exactly it was.
That’s not even the bad news. That was only to let you know the great loss I suffered exactly a week ago, to the day.
Good News
Now, here is the good news. The first chapter of Innocence (updated and in your face) is prepped and ready to upload on Friday, the big NEW LAUNCH of this first book of the Gold Dragon series.
Bad News
The bad news is that the updated version of the entire book will not be available for sale this Friday. (Awwwwww!) I know. I hear you. There is nobody to blame but me. I am doing my utmost to get it ready for week 2 (September 11, 2015 MARK YO’ CALENDA’S) that I think of it, I could try blaming my friend-editor who is being THE BOMBE...THE BOMB (with an e or without an e?) and editing my chapters for me. But if I did that, she might bail at my lack of appreciation, then you wouldn’t get to see ANY of the update or book 2 or book 3 or book know what I mean?
What Does This Mean for You?
Well, if you are a patient person, all that means nothing because you’re planning on reading the free version of Innocence that I’m uploading to Wattpad each week. If you are An Impatient One, you will have to suffer until week 2 when the book is (hopefully! *hand to mouth with raised eyebrows*) available for purchase. Barring a third World War, an early winter cold or an obsessive desire to do nothing but drink coffee and read every day, I will have it ready by then.
What You’ve Been Waiting For--Pricing!
For The Impatient Ones who must know IMMEDIATELY what happens at the end of Innocence, you can download the book for ONLY $2.99 as an Amazon Kindle ebook or an iBook.
For the Caver who can only hold out until Chapter 3 is released before the suspense kills you, you can download the book for only $.99 on Etsy! (I know! This is a much better deal, but if you’ve gotta have it right away, then there’s a price to pay!)
For those who are Stronger Than Rocks and can withstand the suspense, the entire book will be released on Wattpad for free, one chapter per week.
Innocence, along with book 2, Awakened, and the others to follow are, on average, 10 chapters long. They’re made to be read quickly (in one sitting for you speedy readers out there) and to hopefully appeal to people who dislike reading long books. In these short but captivating episodes, you get the story in manageable bursts of action, emotion and suspense (with a sprinkle of romance and appropriate downtime to balance it all out, of course).
Now, a word about the pricing: The $.99 version of the book, available after the release of Chapter 3, will only be available as a PDF download via (I will give you more info on that website when the download is available). This download is awesomely formatted (I know, bad adverb there...just ignore it) and reads beautifully on phones or tablets. The font has been sized to read well on smaller screens so you wouldn’t want to read this on your PC. Who does that anyways?? The file will download to a PC, though, if you really want to read it that way. The might just look kinda big.
The website I publish the ebook version with will not allow me to price a book at $.99, so just consider yourself lucky that I found a way to do that for you!
I think that’s everything for now. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments or email me at
Remember to subscribe to my blog via email in the right hand panel to get each blog update to your inbox. Come on over to Wattpad, create your free account and follow me there so you can know the second Innocence: Chapter 1 is uploaded this Friday! For Tablo users, you can find and follow me here. I will be posting the chapters for free there as well.
Also check me out on…
Facebook: Rebecca Yoder, One Lady of Shalott
Twitter: @EdinanRoman
Goodreads: Rebecca Yoder
...and on this awesome pic of me this morning getting ready to edit (never mind that the chair in the background completely takes center stage--just pretend it’s not there).
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