Friday, November 28, 2014

Failure & Future

Well, it looks like I have failed at another NaNo event.  I know there are still two days left, and miracle word counts have happened.  But my plans include something other than winning a word count this month.  Through my failure I learned what I really want, or rather, what my first step is to getting where I want to go.

My goal is to make a living from my writing.  And I believe that when I complete my first adult book, finishing the next one will be easier.  I also believe that the right readers will be attracted to my work and news will spread.  However, I have tried time and again to finish this first novel that I'm talking about.  I have the story chosen and the plot mapped out, but the finish line seems ever in the future.

Last week a friend challenged me to finish any book I choose by Easter and she would carry it in her store.  As I pondered on finishing my novel for this challenge, I also knew that a goal so far away felt daunting to me.  I wanted something I could complete in a week.  I did some research on stories I had completed, half completed and of various genres.  Then it dawned on me what would work.  I had a children's ebook I had published almost two years ago.  I decided to make that one my first paper version.  I checked pricing at a local printing business and found out that printing my own work was going to be much simpler than I had thought.

So my task this weekend is to format my children's book Betty Butter into a version to send to the printers.  It's lacking a few illustrations.  The e-version has no illustrations but is also less expensive to purchase at only $1.99.  A fun recipe to make homemade butter at the end of the book makes up for the lack of illustrations in the digital version.  I feel that the printed version will not fair so well without the illustrations.

After the completion of this first paper printing project, I have a second story I will write about Betty Butter and print in e-format as well as paper printing.  These were small steps I could see myself completing without being overwhelmed.  And the anticipation of being able to say I have two books out before the New Year is a huge affirmation for me.  As I build my faith in myself, I know that novel will look easier and easier.

That's my plan.  I made a schedule this morning to show my purpose to myself and the universe as to how I'm managing my time in order to meet my goals.  I now feel confident that I will meet them and that God will be there to help me all along the way.  I know he will give me more than I ever dreamed and planned for. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Novel Update

Today I completed Chapter 3 of my NaNo novel.  As always, there seems to be some challenging days by the third day, and it happened again this year.  I was moving along smoothly from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 and even into Chapter 3.  Then problems came up in my personal life.  (Isn't there always something that tries to stop you from reaching your goals?)  But by this time, I know things will come up to try to throw me off.  The key is not to let them, to push through somehow so I can finish what I set out to do.

It feels good to finish Chapter 3.  The furthest I've gotten in any book so far is Chapter 5, so that is my first mini goal.

Writing this first book feels like climbing a really hard mountain or something (I've never climbed a real mountain, like with a backpack and all that, but I imagine it feels kind of the same).  I've been conditioning to write this book for the past 2 1/2 years.  And I'm going to do it this time.  There is no turning back.  There is no stopping.  There is no obstacle to get stuck on.  Overcome! is the theme.

For a sneak peak at my first chapter come on over to Tablo and have a read.  Let me know your thoughts.  Also, check out the photo for the book cover below.

I have some great ideas I can't wait to try on the cover.  You won't want to put the book down once you get started.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

How to Get Encouraged and Follow Your Writing Dreams

Before you read this, I highly recommend clicking play on the video so you can hear the music as you read.

This morning I did something a little different.  I listened to some mediation/zen music while I read something inspirational.  The result was amazing.  I have read inspirational material before but struggled with allowing it to truly enter my mind and change and uplift my spirit.  This combo of music and inspirational words took the message straight to my heart and had me in tears in a second.   (Tears are actually a good thing.  They are one of the body's mechanisms to relieve stress.)

My reading was from Joseph Prince's book The Power of Right Believing: 7 Keys to Freedom From Fear, Guilt and Addiction, which you can find here.  (I highly recommend it, as I do two of his other books I have read, Destined to Reign and Unmerited Favor.  These two books broke me out of five years of depression and a life that was going nowhere.  All three of these books are available here as a bundle for less than the cost of buying them separately.  After all, who doesn't like a deal?)

The thing that blows me away about what Joseph Prince teaches is that every time I listen to him or read a chapter in his books or read one of his devotionals, I feel uplifted, as if Joseph Prince is on my side and God is on my side.  I have struggled for almost three years now with writing and wanting to write full time.  I feel like nobody understands me, but when I read from these books, I feel like I am not alone.  I feel like there is a Great Being cheering me on, who has even been the one to give me the idea to write full time.  I feel like He tells me, "It's going to be great!  You were meant to do this.  I gave you the desire to write and to be a writer full time because you have ideas that will change people's lives.  The world needs the ideas that are swirling in your head.  Write them down and the readers will come."

Every time I am encouraged.  So I just want to pass some of that encouragement on to you today by sharing my meditation music with you and by sharing a few words that spoke to me from Joseph Prince's book this morning.

"Friend, we have all been forgiven much.  The problem is, many don't know and don't believe this.  Give up on your own self-efforts to be righteous.  Give up on trying to overcome your own failings, mistakes, addictions, and bondages.  Be like the woman with the alabaster box of precious ointment [Read Luke 7:37-47 in the Bible if you've never heard of the story].  When you fail, don't run away and hide.  Come before His loving presence. Jesus already knows the guilt and condemnation that you are being tormented with.  Come with boldness and confidence like this woman did.  Feel free to weep in His sweet presence and simply worship Him.  Pour out everything that is on your heart to Him.  Don't worry, He will not heap more guilt, shame, judgment, and condemnation upon you.  He will show you His nail-pierced hands and remind you of the cross.  He will say to you, 'Your sins are already forgiven.  I have already paid the price for your sins at Calvary.  Rest in My forgiveness and love for you.'"

Joseph Prince's books have been a lifesaver for me because of their message of grace and hope.  But even if you are not at a time in your life when you can buy these books, you can still get this message of love and hope each day by subscribing to his daily grace inspirations here.  You will get an email every day with a message of hope that will lift you up, and before long you will find yourself making decisions that improve your life and take you in the direction of your dreams.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Continuing the Enthusiasm

I have to report something cool, even though I don't really understand the stats of Facebook or even Blogger for that matter.  But I get the general drift that big numbers are good.

Yesterday I posted a link to the blog I wrote (yep yesterday's blog) where I included the cover photo, a summary and excerpt of the novel I'm doing for NaNo and that will be out this month.  Usually my FB posts reach an average of 20 people.  Well, that particular post reached 159.  Wow, did you see that?  One hundred fifty-nine.  That's huge for me.  So if you have a huge following or whatever, don't laugh at me.  I'm coming to where you are.  And you started out with only 159 at one time.  Lol.  Not trying to hate.  Just some good-natured ribbing.

Anyways, I'm excited.  I've had a really rough day and I feel that was my little bit of encouragement from the writing world.

In case you missed it from yesterday, I will include the cover photo and the link to yesterday's blog for you.  I am so excited about this book.  It has one of those characters that you think, "Shit, I really hope I don't mess her up."

I have added another 1,153 words to my NaNo count as of right now.  I plan to finish the third chapter today.

Link to yesterday's blog

You can also check out a sneak peek of the first chapter here.  It's a "raw" draft copy so there may be some inconsistencies here and there.  But let me know your feedback and comments.  You can find me on Facebook or Twitter to stay in touch for updates.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

NaNoWriMo Time!

NaNoWriMo has started.  For those who have never heard of it, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month.  In the month of November writers all over the world take up the challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days.  This year I gave myself the challenge to write the first two books in the Stone House series, a series I thought of in March of this year.  Below is a picture idea for the cover along with a summary and an excerpt from Chapter 2 of the book.

Kate Galbraith and Stone House

Kate Galbraith's parents are both dead.  She alone is in charge of her two-year-old baby brother Jacob under the guardianship of their great uncle.  But how will she protect her brother when she finds out her great uncle is their most dangerous enemy?
After coming back from a walk on a dark, rainy day, Kate finds her great uncle and several other men in the house, talking in ominous tones about her and her little brother.  As she eavesdrops, she finds out they have already taken Jacob, and now they are coming after her.  Why?  What do they want with her?  Why did they take her brother?  But there is no time for questions as Kate races out of the house without even a coat against the coming winter cold.
As she begins her journey of escape toward the massive mountain of San Martine that stands behind Stone House like a shield, she doesn't know that she has been inside of her home for the last time in many years.  She's about to find out that the kidnapping of her baby brother is part of something much bigger than she is.
Excerpt from Chapter 2
     Kate ran until she felt like she was going to fall over from exhaustion.  Her lungs burned and the lacerations on her cheeks and hands from the branches that whipped her stung.  The cold air sapped her of the little strength she had left.  Within moments the dogs’ barks grew closer.  Kate pushed herself onward, not knowing how her legs were still able to obey her.  The ground beneath her continued to slope upward with every step.  Each breath came harder and more painful.  She was running for what felt like hours, even though it had been barely an hour since she had left the house.  Her feet were beginning to sink into snow now, leaving an obvious trail for her pursuers.  She ran faster and faster, but the faster she ran the faster they seemed to gain on her.  She broke out onto a small clearing in the wood, the black trees standing out starkly against the white snow, the gray clouds blocking out any light from the sun.  The rain still fell making each step slick and treacherous.
    As she ran out into the clearing, she rethought her path and figured it might be better to stay among the trees, but when she turned to go back, the dogs had broken into the clearing already.  She had nowhere to turn but straight forward.  Finally Kate’s tired legs gave out and tripped over a large rock.  She went down face first into the snow.  The dogs reached her in two bounds.  She held her breath, waiting for them to sink their teeth into her flesh.

You can stay updated with my progress by checking my Facebook page or twitter.  Be sure to like or follow my page to get my posts in your news feed.