Monday, December 30, 2013

Afraid of Commitment?

I began my morning with two slices of fried liver pudding and a wedge of Laughing Cow spreadable garlic and herb cheese along with my daily cup of coffee.  Not the most unusual breakfast I’ve ever eaten, but right up there with my other writer’s quirks.

My deadline looms before me.  March 1, 2014.  My self-chosen e-publish date for my debut novel.  Day 1 with 59 days to go to achieve the impossible.  Always one wary of commitment, proclaiming to the world, promising to complete a certain task by a certain day, I must have lost my mind to give an end date to such an ominously large project as a novel.  And yet the decision is made.  The clock is already ticking, and I have no choice but to proceed and find my way in the unpredictable maze of writing.

My progress stands at two very rough drafty chapters, completed and sent to my reading buddy Teresa.  I took last week off for Christmas.  And now I’m back to the drawing board (or is it more appropriate to say writing board?) for the next two chapters.  Logic tells me I need to produce more than two chapters a week to meet my goal, but my common sense tells me to shoot for two chapters and my overachiever ability will pump out the rest.  I’m trying a different approach to reaching this goal (not my first time in setting it) and setting small, easy-to-reach checkpoints along the way.  Thus, I will be encouraged and be able to work harder by removing the stress that normally accompanies large projects for me.

So here I go.  Check back tomorrow to see how I’ve fared on my journey to writing my first novel.  Sometimes the only way to overcome your fears is to face them and beat them down.  I’ve stopped running and started fighting, word by word, until this novel is on the page.  Follow me on Twitter @EdinanRoman or connect with me on Google + by clicking the follow button below.  Join the adventure and share your own writing journey as we inspire millions on the path behind us.

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