Friday, February 27, 2015

My first book is published!!!

It’s finished!!  My first book, Innocence the first in the Gold Dragon Series, is out and I am beyond excited.  If you don’t want to hear any more and want to buy it this second, click here.  In a minute I’ll give you more details about where all you can buy it, but first let me say LOOK AT THAT COVER!  My boyfriend Jorge (pronounced George) did all the swirly artwork.  He is amazing!  You can leave him a comment via my writer’s facebook page.  He does awesome pencil drawings as well.  Here’s one he did of a picture of me once.

But back to my book.  I am so happy with the final outcome.  I love the cover.  I love the story.  Several friends who helped me with reading the manuscript were my sister Sharon Yoder, my friend Alicia Walter, and my mentor Deborah Thompson.  Thank you so much for your help!

Others whom I could not have done without are my good looking boyfriend Jorge Rivera, my parents Enos and Bertha Yoder, and the rest of my family and everyone who let me talk their ear off about how much I wanted to write a book.

I’m excited about the style and length of the book.  I am writing this series in mini-books.  Each book will have less than ten chapters and can be read in one sitting.  I like the quickness of them, the suspense, the anticipation of each sequel.  I hope you like it too.  I thought of all of you wonderful readers as I wrote it.’s what you all have been waiting for:  
To purchase it in a beautiful and easy-to-read PDF format, click here.

The link will take you to where you set up a simple account then finish making your purchase. There are further instructions on the website about viewing the book on your device (works best on a smart phone on the free Kindle app).

I would love to hear what you think.  Leave me a comment below or send me an email  Also, if you return to the Etsy site, here, and leave a review, I’ll send you a discount coupon for Awakened, the next book in the series, on its release date. (Note: Etsy may not allow you to leave a review until a few days after purchase.)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Two great things

Two great things happened today. First, we had an ice storm here in Clinton, NC. The world is transformed into a glittering mass of ice-covered EVERYTHING! I love this kind of weather. No branches fell on our roof, although one did fall only 15 feet from it. My boyfriend's dad slid on the road while driving to work, but he did not have an accident. Our power is still on. So we have a lot to be thankful for. A neighbor did have a tree fall on their roof and now the roof is covered with a tarp. I keep seeing electric servicing trucks but none of them need to head our way. So there have been people affected by this storm but we are safe.

The second great thing that happened this week is that I finished my first book!!! I've sent it to my "editors" which are mostly friends at this point. When I hear back from them I just have a few last adjustments to make and then she'll be set to go online. I'll post as soon as it's available as well as more info about the book and what the cover looks like and all that.

Thank you to everyone who supported me this whole time. I'm excited to introduce my work to the world--finally!